- June 02, 2019 by Emperatriz Ung#artist statement, #nyu game center, #thesisOperation Kanshi by Amanda Siswojo & Emperatriz Ung Artist Statement as submitted to the Faculty of the NYU Game Center of New York University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degr... Continue reading
- April 04, 2019 by Emperatriz Ung#playesting, #2D, #Narrative, #FeedbackSome thoughts: It took longer than I expected to get the game into the new format (changing to the switchboard & three “days” / “cycles” idea). We’ve had a lot of playtesters and some great... Continue reading
- December 30, 2018 by Emperatriz Ung#voice over, #voice acting, #directing voice actors, #Narrative DesignVoice over is really important to Operation Kanshi . I'd say for myself, at the moment, I view "the conversation" between our main characters as the soul of the game. I tend to care deeply about my c... Continue reading
- November 30, 2018 by Emperatriz Ung2#NYU Game Center, #thesis, #Narrative Design, #prototype, #Game Writing, #MapSo a lot of progress this week (I think). We made changes to the overall framing of the narrative, have a better idea of the flow between interactions, and made more concrete decisions on character pr... Continue reading